
User agent list, user agent database, useragent library file

Here you can find our user agent list,user agent database. Useragent list is sorted by name, so you can find user-agent string in order of pages ("z" is on pages with the biggest number, "Mozilla" in the middle of pages range). For find what is user agent,http user agent info and browser user agent information just click to it. It will show you user agent data and user agent browser,header, browser branch, name, full name and lots of others.
This tool is very simple, don't need to have special knowledge for use it, and it's powerfull because giving lots user agent detail information.
We have several libs with already parsed user agents, and it's help to explain string. Thats why result can have different length and with different fields set. The blocks that can be avaible: 1-3 blocks exactly after "Common Info" block, and 1-3 blocks of "Similar" results.
User agent sniffing refers to the practice of websites showing different content when viewed with a certain user agent. On the Internet, this will result in a different site being shown when browsing the page with a specific browser.
If you have some list of user agents what we havn't, you can send it to us through feedback (just write to us and we will give you next instruction) and will parse it.
The User-Agent header contains a line of text that can be used to identify a user agent and client device. Most of the time, we can find the device model and manufacturer from the User-Agent header. It's usual string that sending browser/application during request.
When you visit a Web page, your browser sends ua header string to server of page that you opening.
Good luck on our service, if you don't find something write you our feedback, we will try to help.
User Agents List